DOWNLOAD CATALOG 16-07-2013 16:23:13
Electrostatic precipitator is manufactured by “DEMZ-Engineering” Ltd for precipitating and extraction of flue gases dust content.
ESP can resist high temperatures, excessive and low pressure, wind and snow loads, earthquake affect, etc., depending on technological work regimes and environmental conditions.
ESP is equipped with pyramidal bunkers. In case of specific technological processes ESP can have flat bottom. Bunkers can be equipped with heating elements.
Due to high working temperatures ESP’s body is installed on support system equipped with roller bearings. This method minimizes load power that affects ESP’s body and support system in conditions of repetitive heat expansion and compression.
ESP’s body has inlet and outlet channels construction of which depends on performed technological processes and work shop arranging. Channels are equipped with gas distribution devices in order to provide equal distribution of the gas in transversal section of the ESP.
ESP’s body, including bunkers, inlet/outlet channels (diffuser, confusor) is isolated with mineral wool that prevents condensation which causes corrosion and shortens work life of the equipment. Isolation also prevents uncontrollable heat expansion that causes dangerous service stress.
One or more electric fields are installed inside ESP’s body. Each field can be separated into many electric independent areas- semi-fields. ESP’s area has observation hatches located before the area, at the bottom and cover part of the ESP. One field contains grounding system of collecting electrodes and high voltage emitting electrodes. Both systems have separate rapping mechanisms.
Collecting electrode contains long collecting elements (5-11 units) that are hanging on the girders and form rows. Their length depends on the length of the field. At the bottom and the top each row is connected to beams for suspension and rapping. Depending on the type of technological process spaces between electrodes can have different width.
Emitting electrodes system is isolated from the other ESP elements. It is suspended to isolators on the ESP’s top. These isolators are placed in isolation boxes or inside girder beams. One suspension pipe of each field (semi-area) is connected to high-voltage power supply.
Dust that is collected on collecting electrode is rapped by pendulous hammer that are installed on slowly rotating horizontal shaft. Pendulous hammers beat on rapping bar anvils. Impact force of the hammers depends on the technological process.
Dust that is collected on emitting electrodes will also be shacked off with hammer that hit EE anvils.
Emitting and collecting electrodes are equipped with gears that are installed on the side and the top of the ESP.
Precipitated dust from ESP bunkers can be extracted with scraper transporter, helical conveyor, sluice, pneumatic or hydro extraction system. Choice will depend on the type of technological process and type of the bunker.
ESP is equipped with ladders and service area for technical service procedures.
Power construction of ESP`s body contains rows of portals. Each portal consists of girder beam and two columns (beams).
Construction of support casing’s belt provides resistance to all loads from electric precipitator: ESP’s load, wind and snow loads, dust loads in bunkers, excessive and low pressure, earthquake, etc.
ESP’s body can have additional central support columns in case if it`s wide.
Observation hatches are located before and after fields and also on the roof.